Quality Improvement Program: The Philosophy of Bakersfield Family Medical Group/Coastal Communities Physician Network, Quality Improvement Department is to monitor continuous quality improvement programs and appropriate utilization of resources to its members & The Quality Improvement Program is designed to achieve congruence with the following goals:
- Quality Health Services
- Efficient and Effective Health Care Services
- Resource Management
- Customer Satisfaction
- Provider Orientation and Update Regarding Quality Improvements
Bakersfield Family Medical Group/Coastal Communities Physician Network has a Quality Improvement Program that is responsible for the development and reporting of quality initiatives. These are improvement guidelines for the care of BFMG and CCPN Commercial and Medicare members. The Quality Improvement Program is used throughout BFMG and CCPN and each department is responsible for meeting set performance standards, reviewing processes and procedures, to ensure we provide excellent service to our members and providers.
Bakersfield Family Medical Group/Coastal Communities Physician Network composes an annual Quality Improvement Program and Work Plan. The Quality Improvement Program specifies the programs goals, objectives, scope, and organization structure as well as performance standards. If you would like more information regarding the BFMG/CCPN Quality Improvement Program, please contact the Customer Service Department at (toll free) 800-763-7732.